⼗多种免费Unity VR资源⼯具

这篇具有很好参考价值的文章主要介绍了⼗多种免费Unity VR资源⼯具。希望对大家有所帮助。如果存在错误或未考虑完全的地方,请大家不吝赐教,您也可以点击"举报违法"按钮提交疑问。

1、VRTK是⼀种⾼效的VR⼯具包,⽤于在Unity3d中快速构建VR解决⽅案VRTK - Virtual Reality Toolkit - [ VR Toolkit ] | Integration | Unity Asset StoreUse the VRTK - Virtual Reality Toolkit - [ VR Toolkit ] from Sysdia Solutions Ltd on your next project. Find this integration tool & more on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/vrtk-virtual-reality-toolkit-vr-toolkit-64131


2、VRKeys是⼀个开放源代码键盘界⾯,⽤于在Unity中进⾏VR中的单⾏⽂本输⼊。VRKeys | Input Management | Unity Asset StoreGet the VRKeys package from The Campfire Union and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Input Management options on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/input-management/vrkeys-99222

3、该Vuforia samples展⽰了如何创建AR体验使⽤Vuforia⽬标,并跟踪⽇常⽣活中的物体和环境。 Vuforia Core Samples | Packs | Unity Asset StoreUse Vuforia Core Samples from PTC Vuforia to elevate your next project. Find this & more Packs and templates on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/packs/vuforia-core-samples-99026

4、适⽤于Unity的3D⾳频插件:声⾳设计是创建六个⾃由度(6DoF)的重要组成部分,以为⽤⼾带 来最佳的⾝临其境的体验。Qualcomm®3D⾳频插件是⽤于Unity的双⽿空间⾳频插件,⾮常适合XR (AR / VR)体验和游戏。FMOD for Unity | Audio | Unity Asset StoreGet the FMOD for Unity package from FMOD and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Audio options on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/audio/fmod-for-unity-161631

5、该Vuforia渲染案例提供展⽰如何实现使⽤Vuforia在增强现实场景⾼级渲染功能的完整统⼀的项 ⽬。Vuforia Core Samples | Packs | Unity Asset StoreUse Vuforia Core Samples from PTC Vuforia to elevate your next project. Find this & more Packs and templates on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/packs/vuforia-core-samples-99026

6、Vive Foveated Rendering是⼀个Unity渲染插件,可通过尖端的GPU技术减少渲染⼯作量。该插件 ⽀持固定和眼动偏向渲染。 Vive Foveated Rendering | Particles/Effects | Unity Asset StoreUse the Vive Foveated Rendering tool for your next project. Find this and more particle & effect tools on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/particles-effects/vive-foveated-rendering-145635

7、VIVE输⼊实⽤程序(VIU)是⽤于在Unity中开发VR体验的⼯具包,尤其是与VIVE / VIVE Pro⼀起 使⽤时,还针对来⾃通⽤代码库的许多平台,包括Oculus Rift,Rift S Go,Quest,Google Daydream,VIVE Wave SDK (例如,独⽴的VIVE Focus)和Unity⽀持的其他VR平台VIVE Input Utility | Integration | Unity Asset StoreUse the VIVE Input Utility from ViveSoftware on your next project. Find this integration tool & more on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/vive-input-utility-64219

8、Seidr是Windows上Unity的易于使⽤的数字空间,可让你快速体验虚拟现实中的资源。SEIDR | Utilities Tools | Unity Asset StoreUse the SEIDR from SEIDR IO on your next project. Find this utility tool & more on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/seidr-147316

9、3D Free Modular Kit是⼀个⼩型模块化套件!免费⽤于商业或免费软件的游戏/应⽤程序。3D Free Modular Kit | 3D Environments | Unity Asset StoreElevate your workflow with the 3D Free Modular Kit asset from Barking Dog. Find this & other Environments options on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/3d-free-modular-kit-85732

10、ImmerGo VR⼯具:该软件包包含⽤于通过Unity Game Objects和Wwise⾳频源控制ImmerGo 3D空间⾳频系统的资产。ImmerGo VR Tools | Audio | Unity Asset StoreGet the ImmerGo VR Tools package from immersiveDSP and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Audio options on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/audio/immergo-vr-tools-156470

11、VRBasics旨在成为你的虚拟现实项⽬的⼊⻔!此版本同时⽀持与SteamVR软件包结合的HTC Vive 和与Oculus Integration软件包结合的Oculus Rift。VRBasics | Physics | Unity Asset StoreGet the VRBasics package from Zac Zidik and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Physics options on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/vrbasics-69323

12、该软件包包含完整的VR CardBoard 3D模型及其纹理,材料和动画。VR Cardboard | 3D Characters | Unity Asset Store

13、WebVR资源:使⽤Unity可以轻松创建VR体验,您可以直接在Web浏览器上查看它。它可以在⽀ 持Firefox和Microsoft Edge WebVR的浏览器中使⽤!WebXR Exporter | Integration | Unity Asset StoreUse the WebXR Exporter from Mozilla on your next project. Find this integration tool & more on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/webxr-exporter-109152

14、VRArmIK⽆需任何其他跟踪设备即可将⼿臂带⼊VR。使⽤头和⼿的位置,估计肩膀和⼿臂可产⽣ 逼真的⼿臂运动。VRArmIK | Animation Tools | Unity Asset StoreUse the VRArmIK tool from Currynurt on your next project. Find this & more animation tools on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/vrarmik-120188

15、NewtonVR是⽤于跟踪控制器的虚拟现实交互系统。⽬前,它具有⼲净且易于使⽤的播放器控制 器,同时⽀持Oculus SDK和SteamVR。https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/newtonvr-75712https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/newtonvr-75712

16、Focal Point & SteamVR Adapter是⽤于在VR中操纵对象/环境的交互框架。它提供了解决⽅案。 包括4个演⽰和⼤量⽂档,完全开源Focal Point & SteamVR Adapter | Tools | Unity Asset StoreGet the Focal Point & SteamVR Adapter package from Albert Hwang and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Tools options on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/focal-point-steamvr-adapter-59625

17、VR按钮和杠杆:轻松快速地设置与你的VR作品进⾏交互的⽅式。该套件中包含VR⼿柄和VR按 钮。它们有基于物理的版本或基于握把的版本。握紧的⼿柄可响应玩家使⽤跟踪的运动控制器来抓取 和移动它。VR Buttons and Levers | Physics | Unity Asset StoreGet the VR Buttons and Levers package from UtilityFunction and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Physics options on the Unity Asset Store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/vr-buttons-and-levers-66520文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-861647.html

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