


  1. If everyone learns to set forth facts and reason things out in social life, many of the contradictions are easy to ____.
    A. oblige B. engage C. resolve D. commit
  2. If we let the fastest runner set the____, the others will fall behind.
    A. pace B. step C. progress D. touch
  3. She has lost her battle to ____ control of the company.
    A. retain B. sustain C. attain D. remain
  4. Nowadays, there are still some leaders who take delight in____of their previous contributions.
    A. boasting B. broadening C. breaking D. toasting
  5. I take it for____you have read this book.
    A. donated B. allowed C. approved D. granted
  6. A person who is able to sense the change in others’ feelings and respond accordingly is said to be____and understanding.
    A. thoughtful B. thought C. considerable D. considered
  7. The development in computer science has had a great ____ on the teaching of English.
    A. impact B. shock C. response D. reaction
  8. She always ____ her power by getting other people to do things for her.
    A. uses B. abuses C. applies D. exploits
  9. The new factory is large, to allow room for ____ .
    A. expense B. extension C. expansion D. excess
  10. If my plan isn’t ____ of by the Committee, all my work will come to nothing.
    A. agreed B. accepted C. approved D. satisfied
  11. People who live in the city are often ignorant ____ farm life.
    A. of B. in C. with D. at
  12. The view dominated for too long in Chinese history that the overall land was the ____ property of the Emperor.
    A. prosperous B. private C. public D. peculiar
  13. This young man ____ a complete lack of politeness.
    A. disturbed B. discouraged C. displayed D. displeased
  14. The ultimate objective of China’s reform and opening-up is to raise her economy to the advanced level in the world and ____ a plentiful life for the people.
    A. insure B. assure C. secure D. ensure
  15. The boat stranded on the rocks and the boatman had to sustain himself with live fish before ____ came.
    A. recovery B. reputation C. rescue D. research
  16. The government puts forward a ____ to improve public transportation.
    A. preparation B. proposal C. perception D. prevention
  17. This new policy may ____ some people’s short-term interests, but in the long run, it helps ensure a sustainable development for agriculture.
    A. devote B. dedicate C. sacrifice D. simplify
  18. Those are bound to suffer a severe punishment who push up the prices purposely to ____ a lot from the national crisis.
    A. receive B. reap C. regain D. retire
  19. Although repeatedly ____ to go home, my pet dog insisted on going together with me.
    A. uttered B. urged C. upset D. unfolded
  20. To the honest official, no personal returns from his work have little relation to his total ____ to his duty
    A. conception B. commission C. commitment D. compromise
  21. They hurriedly threw up earthen walls, stretching blankets over the top to ____ these homeless people.
    A. retreat B. cover C. shelter D. support
  22. Though he made the most sincere request for a pass, the professor replied to it with a ____ answer.
    A. negative B. passive C. active D. progressive
  23. Just as nature requires the ecological diversity, an open society needs to ____ the diversity of its cultures.
    A. reserve B. serve C. preserve D. observe
  24. In some countries, any of the government is likely to lose their job.
    A. candidate B. opponent C. participant D. option
  25. We have found in her a woman of trained hand, eye, and brain; ____ and good mannered.
    A. disciplined B. displeased C. dissatisfied D. disclosed
  26. The lawsuit is scheduled to go to ____ this year.
    A. refusal B. survival C. trial D. proposal
  27. The five ____ of peaceful co-existence have prepared the way for the establishment of friendly relationship among countries.
    A. procedures B. principles C. processes D. progresses
  28. Would you like me to ____ you to your room?
    A. attend B. attain C. accompany D. ascend
  29. What distinguishes our boss is that he always ____ us with dismissal.
    A. presents B. threatens C. agrees D. warns
  30. The central government is making some fresh ____ to ensure a steady income for the farmers.
    A. initials B. motives C. initiatives D. activists

6~10 AABCC
11~15 ABCDC
15~20 BCBBC
21~25 CACBA
26~30 CBCBC文章来源地址https://www.toymoban.com/news/detail-721442.html


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